Friday, July 2, 2010

...Death Scare

The past 3 days have been proboably the scariest days i've experienced while being sick. I woke up and all at once there was a pounding migrane, nausea that pepto bismo wasn't helping, sharp chest pain that shot to my back, shortness of breath, and excruciating pain from my knees down.

The first day i laid down in the exact same spot all day.

The next day i took meds and was able to move around but still had shortness of breath so i had to take an excessive amount of breaks just to catch my breath if i didn't i would begin to get dizzy and feel like i was gonna fall out (nausea still remained).

Anyone who knows me knows that i don't get sick very often so this was all too odd for me. Every sickness that once possessed and sometimes conquered my family began to cross my thoughts and increase my concern..."what is this? asthma? heart disease? cancer? valley fever? is it because im overweight? I have honestly NEVER been so concerned about my health.

Day three had to be about the worst day, although my pain had gone away I was having the hardest time breathing. One minute i would be sweating and the next i would be shivering with chills...

So bed time came and i had been propping my head up the past three days to help me breathe easier. I thought why not move these pillows and see if i can sleep laying flat. Once i removed the pillows i felt my heart jump twice and i felt something soft inside of me rub against my chest, i thought it was my heart but then again im not a, immediatley after that i was able to breathe without having to concentrate or by trying to catch up with myself.

I went from having such a hard time breathing to the point i felt like i was going to fall out to being able to breathe clearly! I have never been so thankful for air in my life!!!

and that leads me to this, EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY even the very air we breathe so we should live to the fullest as if every day is our last!



Thursday, July 1, 2010


Does breakfast food always have to be a 3 course meal? oh my gosh, i know this is a blog and i prolly should always be positive but hey,,,,,I HATE BREAKFAST FOOD! it's like i hate routine...Every stinkin day (of course sometimes i try to skip days) i have to wake up and prepare a breakfast...pancake, eggs, sausage, fried potatoes...I mean why can't we just do lunch for breakfast...The ironic thing about it is,,,,my husbands favorite meal is breakfast food...and i don't mean a bowl a cereal...(by the way i like cereal) but the whole shebang!

ahhh....done with that venting

