Thursday, July 15, 2010

How to Ruin an Interview...

I haven't blogged in a while so i thought i'd share a little bit of my recent encounters...

I had an interview yesterday, it was for a telecommunication position doing cold calls (thats when you call people bugging them to purchase whatever it is your selling.)

Okay so I'm extremely excited about the fact that I even have an interview so I walk into the building with a much too high air of confidence and huge smile on my face. I greet the front desk associate and he directs me to where I will be sitting for the next fifteen minutes accompanied by 10 other job seekers waiting to be proped by questions and then told we got the job.

After filling out another application -as if the one I submitted online wasn't good enough, we were all filed into a small room where the manager of the call center, a nice short lady and another guy (not sure who he was) told us about the company for about 45minutes.

We were then asked to return to our previous areas and wait for them to come around and interview us individually. And this is how my interview went...

Lady: "hello Justina"

Me: "Hello"

Lady: "okay so i have a few questions i will be asking you from this sheet of paper, why did you leave your former job?"

Me: "Well it was a swing shift and we had to work late nights sometimes and i was unable to find a faithful babysitter who would watch my son on such crazy rotating hours."

---Of course i skipped the boring routine questioning i'm just showing you the exciting stuff : /

Lady: "Do you have any questions for me?"

Me: "Yes, I heard the other guy say that you guys have 100 people in your call center?"


Me: (ditzy)"haha, oh i like that though, i like how theres only 9 people, makes it more umm intimate...You know i worked at all call center but there was about 100 people there, it was soooo chaotic and unproffesional."

Lady: (a bit irritantly)"I've managed a call center of 2,000 employees."

(as if i couldn't stop there, i just had to keep on talking...)

Me: "oh you have, was it chaotic there?

Lady: "no, not at all."

Me: "I guess it depends on the leaders too, if their proffesional and organized then it won't be."

Lady: "yes, okay so we've had alot of people respond to our ad and i would like to be doing second interviews by next wednesday."

(Silence that felt like forever...I guess i was waiting for her to say we'll call you?)

Me: "Okay"

Lady: "here let me walk you to the door, (while the other 2 people i just finished interviewing before you sit and watch while filling out there "new employee" paperwork of course...I felt like such a dummy!) It was nice meeting you, have a good afternoon!"

Yes i did smile my way out the door too...ugh I think i was way too excited about that interview and i haven't had one in such a long time, I think the lady was a bit relieved to get my seemingly immature, not ready for that type of position self out of there. But what she doesn't know is that i would have been a great person for that position. I really am a good worker but i guess it's sort of a good thing i didn't get it cause who wants to do cold calls for a living.

So there you have it, an embarassing and unsuccesful interview, the first one i've had in about 2years (cause thats when i got hired at my previous job.)

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