My husband and i have decided to resign from our leadership role as youth pastors. It wasn't really a hard decision we've actually been thinking about it alot since we took the young people to youth convention in April which was a bit of a disaster on our parts :{

ahhhh, now that thats over with, we have recently located a bargain of a home for ourselves, it's an apartment but it's ALOT cheaper than what we pay now =) and that is always a huge plus! (its also in way better condition.)
My job search has been going farely well, i've been applying for receptionist/office work positions which is ultimately what i want so we'll see how that goes...I'm only hoping for the best ;)
I have been rethinking alot of things in my life as far as my belief system and how I chose to live my life and i've come to the conclusion that I will study hard and pray hard (as I've promised my mom I would too) until I've captured where God wants me to stand.
I'm not going to live my life in between things and i'm sure as heck am not going to live it in secret! I mean it in the sense that I'm not going to be a half-way christian...PROFESSING ONE THING AND LIVING ANOTHER.I want to know what I live and believe it's 100% true and stand behind it.
I've decided that I should start working on my book that i've always wanted to write and blogging is just one of those ways to start!
Final thoughts: I want to be a worshipper! In all that i do.
You are well on your way. I believe that you are doing the right thing by seeking the Lord to see where he wants you to be. You shouldn't be doing something that isn't your calling, but nothing is wasted as long as we learn something along the way. I look forward to reading more from you on this blog and I pray the best for you on your job search, the move, and of course the new book. Go for it!