Monday, August 9, 2010

Just when you think nothing good is happening...

From dead end job searches to depressing church gossip my life seemed to be twining in hopeless circles. Stepping down caused us a little more chaos than we intended and my discoverings of my christian walk just added a wave of more drama. In the midst of all this we managed to fill out an application for a bargain of an apartment. Unlike our current residing this place had new carpet, level floors, new linoleum, and a great cooling system. Not only was it in better shape but the rent would be a whole lot cheaper than what we were paying.
Sure that we would have no issues with the "approval" process of calling our references since we've established a good name, we called in to check on our application (we didn't want anyone to get it before us ). With excitement running through my veins the manager very firmly informed me that we "do not qualify." Shocked and in disbelief, I wanted to know why.  "What?! are you serious?! Can I ask Why?"


  1. Well all that means is that something better is coming your way. Sometimes God has to close certain doors in order for us to go through the open door that he has for us in another place. Be encouraged, everything will work out for your good! God bless you!

  2. Thank You for the encouragement, we ended up getting the apartment, my husband was going down without a fight :)
