Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do YOU do next?

When it seems all your hope is gone, when everything you've grown complacent and accustomed to turns to chaos and all you can feel inside is fear...Would that be considered your crossroad?

 The determining factor for failure, success or relief in life? If you don't know what your next step will produce but you no longer want to stay standing where you've been what do you do next...

 The decision to move any abrupt way would be uncomfortable and lonely. Not knowing what to expect since you've never done anything other than what you've programmed yourself to do.

It's kind of like, "jump off the cliff or let this animal devour my life." Is there a possibility to survive by trying to fight or would you have more of a chance living if you risked the jump and hoped for the best. What do you do next...

Have you ever felt this way, how did you handle it, did you have that rock to hold on to...

much love,


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I feel that way now. In times like these I wait on God and if it's that serious He will shake things up a bit, or keep me where I am and give me an encouraging word. I am waiting on that encouraging word...and He has shaken things up a bit too.
