Friday, August 20, 2010

I feel confused...

But I am NOT going to lose my faith to things that I cannot explain…

Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..."

We need to study to show ourselves approved of God, something that we forget at times. Be careful with your "I think" or "I don't agrre" withs, hence the word "I" we need to learn and study the word of God so that it's no longer "I" but what Is right/wrong According to God's Word.

I pray that God gives me direction and helps me and my family to understand his word and will for our lives. In Jesus' name.

much loves,


1 comment:

  1. so amazingly true. Doubt is our QUE as sinners to get into the word of god and pray for GOD to fill us with the knowledge of HIM. So we may better understand the depth of his love. He is so amazingly powerful and mighty. He wants us to know him so we can TRUST in him BECAUSE HE IS SOOO GOOD :). ALL THE TIME OF COURSE. I pray that the lord may bless your household. that your husband may grow into the spiritual leader of a man HE DESERVES TO BE. That you guys may encourage each other in your walks and show your child the love of GOD IS REAL and that he lives in both of you!! praise jesus AMEN

    Thanks for sharing with me love<3
